Si EE.UU. invadiera China

por | Dic 23, 2010 | Internet en China, Política china

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In recent weeks, a joke has circulated profusely on forums and websites. It reproduces a conversation in which a son tells his father that he wants to join the army to protect his country. The father, very skeptical of his child’s views, explains that there is little to protect and that being part of the US wouldn’t be such a bad idea either. Below we translate this funny joke that has reached a lot of circulation on the Internet.

Parents and children of the new generation (新 时代 父与子)

A son from a young age wanted to be a soldier. At last he has the opportunity to join the army and he goes and says to his father:

“I want to be a soldier to protect our country. If US imperialism dares to invade us …”

“Paf!”: Slap from his father.

– Father: You can’t protect your family and you want to protect your country? What are the Americans going to take from you? Why does the country need you to protect it?

Son: I want to protect our land …

– Father: What land are you talking about? You can’t even afford to buy a house that is several square meters, and even if you could, you would only be entitled to it temporarily for 70 years. What land is that? When you have land we will talk about protecting it!

– Son: The US wants to annex us …

– Father: Don’t you always say that you want to go abroad? What do a lot of your classmates want to leave too? If they incorporate us into their territory, it will be cheaper for us.

– Son: If the US swallows us up and the whites have the upper hand, we Chinese will become second-class citizens.

– Father: In the US, each person has a single vote to elect their president. China has 1.3 billion people, compared to 200 million whites. If they annex us, who do you think would command?

– Son: If the US attacks us and overthrows the popular government, I will protect the people’s government!

– Father: “Paf” (another slap) But hey, and who do you want to defend? To the National Tax Bureau? To the Ministry of Finance? To the Development and Reform Commission? To the Securities Regulation Commission? To the Ministry of Health? The State Food and Drug Supervision Administration? To the Real Estate Supervision Bureau? To the Planning Bureau? To the Office of Family Planning? The chengguan (urban police)? Or the Football Association? If you want to protect this bunch of bastards, I’ll smash your face.

Son: (spitefully) Okay, if the US invades us, I’ll go open the doors for the American soldiers and show them the way.

– Father: “Paf!” (another slap) Is it your job to do that? But if all those officials have already prepared a banquet for you!


► We saw it first on the blog of He Sanwei , a Southern People Weekly journalist whom we talked about before .

Daniel Méndez
Daniel Méndez es el autor del libro "136: el plan de China en América Latina", publicado en 2019 y que explica en profundidad las crecientes relaciones políticas y económicas entre el gigante asiático y el continente americano. En 2010 creó la página web ZaiChina. Es Licenciado en Periodismo y Estudios de Asia Oriental. Colaboró desde Pekín con varios medios de comunicación (entre ellos El Confidencial, Radio Francia Internacional, El Tiempo y EsGlobal) y es el autor del libro "Universitario en China. Así son los futuros líderes del país". [Más artículos de Daniel Méndez]

1 Comentario

  1. Man

    Bueno eeuu es un país hermoso donde todo el mundo es feliz nadie se muere de hambre no hay violaciones asesinatos masivos descuartizamientos mafiosos asaltos y toda la clase media tienen 3 casas y 6 autos y tienen obra social gratis no :D:D:D anda :D:D:D:>8-)

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